Course description

Transform your Java programming skills with this extensive backend development course, designed for both beginners and experienced developers. The course provides a structured learning path from foundational concepts to advanced techniques:

  1. Getting Started with Java:

    • Introduction to Java: Learn the history, features, and uses of Java.
    • Installation of Java: Set up your Java development environment and tools.
  2. Basic Programming Concepts:

    • Hello World Program: Write your first Java program and understand the basic syntax.
    • Variables and Primitive Datatypes: Explore data types, variables, and type casting.
    • Operators and Expressions: Use operators for computations and expressions.
    • Control Flow: Implement decision-making with if, if-else, switch, and looping constructs (while, do-while, for).
    • Arrays: Manage collections of data with arrays.
    • Exceptions: Understand Java’s error handling mechanism.
  3. OOP Concepts:

    • Classes and Objects: Learn about object-oriented principles and design.
    • Methods and Constructors: Create reusable code with methods and constructors.
    • Access Specifiers and Encapsulation: Control access and protect data using encapsulation.
    • Inheritance and Polymorphism: Leverage inheritance and polymorphism for code reusability and flexibility.
  4. Collections in Java Programming:

    • Lists and ArrayLists: Work with dynamic lists and arrays.
    • LinkedLists: Efficiently manage data with linked lists.
    • Sets and Maps: Use HashSet, LinkedHashSet, HashMap, and TreeMap for various data storage needs.
    • Comparable Interface: Implement sorting and comparisons with collection methods.
  5. Threads and Concurrency in Java:

    • Introduction to Multithreading: Understand the basics of threads and concurrency.
    • Creating and Managing Threads: Develop and manage threads for parallel execution.
    • Thread States and Priorities: Explore thread states, priorities, and control mechanisms.
    • Executor Service: Use ExecutorService for efficient thread management.
  6. Exception Handling:

    • Basics and Best Practices: Implement exception handling with try, catch, and finally.
    • Checked vs. Unchecked Exceptions: Understand different exception types and handling strategies.
    • Throwing Exceptions: Learn how to throw and manage custom exceptions.
  7. File Handling:

    • Reading and Writing Files: Perform file operations such as reading from and writing to files.
    • Directory Operations: List and manage files and directories.
  8. Spring Framework:

    • Introduction to Spring: Understand the core concepts of the Spring Framework.
    • Dependency Injection: Explore different types of dependency injection and bean management.
    • Spring Beans and Configuration: Configure and manage Spring beans, and understand @Component, @Bean, and other annotations.
  9. Spring Boot:

    • Getting Started with Spring Boot: Learn how to quickly build and deploy Spring Boot applications.
    • Creating REST APIs: Develop a simple REST API and understand Spring Boot’s features like starters and actuators.
    • Testing with JUnit: Introduction to JUnit for testing your Spring Boot applications.
  10. Getting Started with Maven:

    • Maven Basics: Learn about Maven’s role in project management and build automation.
    • pom.xml and Build Lifecycle: Configure Maven for your Spring Boot projects and understand its build lifecycle.
    • Versioning: Manage versioning of Spring projects with Maven.
  11. Getting Started with JPA and Hibernate:

    • JPA and Hibernate Setup: Configure a Spring Boot project for JPA and Hibernate.
    • Database Operations: Use JPA and Hibernate for database interactions, and understand the differences between them.
  12. Simple REST API with Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA:

    • Integrating JPA and Spring Boot: Connect Spring Boot with Spring Data JPA and an in-memory database (H2).
    • Creating and Managing Repositories: Build repositories and RESTful APIs to manage your entities.

This course blends theoretical concepts with practical, hands-on projects to ensure you gain both knowledge and experience. By the end of the course, you'll be well-prepared to develop scalable, efficient backend applications and navigate real-world development challenges confidently."

What will i learn?

  • Proficient Java Skills: Develop a solid understanding of Java fundamentals and object-oriented programming.
  • Advanced Data Handling: Efficiently manage and manipulate data using collections and file operations.
  • Concurrency Expertise: Implement and manage multithreading to enhance application performance.
  • Spring Framework Knowledge: Utilize Spring’s features for dependency injection and application configuration.
  • Spring Boot Competence: Quickly build, deploy, and manage applications, including RESTful APIs.
  • Maven Mastery: Streamline project builds and dependency management using Maven.
  • Database Integration: Effectively use JPA and Hibernate for seamless database interactions.
  • REST API Development: Design and develop robust REST APIs integrated with Spring Data JPA.
  • Real-World Application: Apply practical skills through hands-on projects and real-world scenarios.
  • By completing this course, you’ll be equipped with the skills and knowledge to build and manage high-performance backend systems, paving the way for a successful career in Java backend development.


  • Nothing Required

Frequently asked question

Basic understanding of programming concepts is helpful, but no prior Java knowledge is required. Familiarity with general programming logic and problem-solving skills will be beneficial.

The course spans 45 days, designed to provide comprehensive coverage of Java backend development concepts.

All necessary materials, including textbooks and software, are included. You will need a computer with internet access and a Java development environment.

Yes, the course features practical exercises, projects, and assignments to apply concepts in real-world scenarios.

Yes, a certificate of completion will be awarded once you successfully finish the course and meet all requirements.

The course is delivered through online classes, video lectures, and interactive tutorials. Check the course details for specific methods.

The course includes quizzes, assignments, and a final project to evaluate your understanding and practical skills.

Support is available via course forums, direct messaging with instructors, and dedicated help sessions.

Yes, you will have lifetime access to all course materials and resources even after completing the course.

The course prepares you for roles such as Java Backend Developer, Software Engineer, and Application Developer, among other positions in backend development.

  • Introduction to Java
  • Installation of Java

  • The First Program-Hello world
  • Variables
  • Primitive Datatypes
  • Casting In Java
  • Operators,Operands and Expression
  • If
  • If-Else
  • If Else If
  • Nested If
  • Switch
  • While
  • Do-While
  • For
  • Arrays
  • Exceptions

  • Classes and Objects
  • Methods
  • Constructors, Getters and Setters
  • Access Specifiers
  • Reference vs Object vs Instance vs Class
  • Static vs Instance Variables,Static vs Instance methods
  • The Pojo
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism

  • Lists
  • ArrayLists
  • LinkedLists
  • Enum
  • HashSet and LinkedHashSet
  • Hashmap and LinkedHashMap,TreeMap
  • Collection Methods and Using the Comparable Interface

  • Introduction to Threads and MultiThreading - Need for Threads
  • Creating Threads
  • States of Thread
  • Placing priority requests for threads
  • Thread Utility Methods and Synchronized Keyword-Sleep,Yield
  • Need for Controlling the Execution of Threads
  • Executor Service

  • Basics of Exceptions
  • Need for Finally
  • Checked and Un-Checked Exceptions
  • Throwing Exceptions

  • Listing Files and Folders in Directory
  • Reading and Writing Content from a File

  • Getting Started with Java Spring Framework
  • Understanding Loose Coupling and Tight Coupling
  • Creating More Java Spring Beans in Spring Java Configuration File
  • Implementing Auto Wiring in Spring Framework Java Configuration File
  • Understanding Spring IOC Container: Application Context & Bean Factory
  • Exploring Java Bean vs POJO vs Spring Bean
  • Spring Framework Bean Auto Wiring - Primary and Qualifier Annotations
  • Exploring Spring Framework - Different Types of Dependency Injection
  • Java Spring Framework - Comparing @Component vs @Bean

  • Getting Started with Spring Boot
  • Build a Hello World API with Spring Boot
  • Understanding Spring Boot Magic - Spring Boot Starter Projects
  • Exploring Spring Boot Actuator
  • Understanding Spring Boot vs Spring vs Spring MVC
  • J-Unit and Few J-Unit Annatations

  • Introduction to Maven
  • Exploring Maven pom.xml for Spring Boot Project
  • Exploring Maven Build Lifecycle with a Spring Boot Project
  • How are Spring Projects Versioned?

  • Setting up New Spring Boot Project for JPA and Hibernate
  • Launching up H2 Console and Creating Course Table in H2
  • Understanding Spring JDBC
  • Getting Started with JPA and EntityManager
  • Exploring features of Spring Data JPA
  • Understanding difference between Hibernate and JPA

  • Integrating Spring Boot with Data JPA and in memory database H2
  • Creating Repository to manage Entity
  • Building RestAPi

Preetham Chadaram




Skill level


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